
Dispute resolution can come in many forms, but practically always requires experienced guidance to obtain the most beneficial outcomes. That is why we provide legal assistance in and out of the court room, with expert services in litigation, mediation and arbitration. Each circumstance is unique, here we provide legal advice that is suited to your situation and unique legal needs.
Not only do we have a substantial Litigation Department, we also act as correspondents for several large law firms who deal exclusively in Litigation.
Deceased Estate Administration

The process of administering a deceased estate is time-consuming when considering the legal procedures involved. Yet, it is also time-sensitive when considering the emotional turmoil the bereaved are going through. As administrators of deceased estates, we ensure that our clients obtain closure and are able to continue with their lives as soon as possible.

Once you have found your dream home or the perfect real estate investment, the conveyancing process should not stand in the way of you reaping the rewards of one of life’s biggest decisions. With the assistance and guidance of our property transfer experts, you can rest assured in the knowledge that you will be able to open the door to your real estate dreams so much sooner.
Contract Law

While contracts are a part of everyday life for most people, lack of expert advice could leave you legally bound to obligations and requirements you were not aware of, or find yourself bound to a contract that does not have your best interest at heart. Our experience in the field of contract law allows us the help you fully understand contract requirements unique to your needs.

We assist clients with notarial services in the drafting of certain documents and ensuring legislative compliance. These services include, amongst others, the witnessing of contracts, the drafting of antenuptial contracts or cohabitation agreements, and the drafting and registration of notarial deeds.
Both Danie Barnard and Barend Du Plessis are qualified notaries, ready to assist you.